Thesis Course Information

This course represents the initial thesis enrollment for the student. 
To enroll, submit a completed CS5399A Thesis Course Registration Request Form, along with a draft of your thesis proposal, to the CS Department Administrative Assistant: Karen Hollensbe –  

By the end of Thesis A, the student will need to submit the Thesis Proposal Form and proposal to the Graduate College.   

To enroll, submit a completed CS Thesis Course Registration Approval Form, to the CS Department Administrative Assistant:  Karen Hollensbe - 

Scheduling a Thesis Presentation
The student will coordinate with their faculty thesis supervisor and committee members to schedule a thesis presentation date and time once the thesis has been written. Note: The student is responsible for making sure that the presentation is scheduled to allow enough time to meet all graduation deadlines. The student will ensure their committee members are available at the time recommended by the thesis supervisor. The supervisor will reserve the date and time for the presentation on one of the department’s conference room calendars or confirm a Zoom meeting link.  

In order to announce the presentation, the student (or thesis supervisor) should send an email to the department administrative assistant. The following information must be provided in the email: