Linux and Web Server

Account Information

  • Username: Same as your Texas State NetID (such as abc123)
  • Password: Accounts are linked to university NetID passwords.

*** Linux accounts are created for students enrolled courses equal to or above CS 2308. Your Linux account will expire at the end of the enrollment term.

Linux Servers

The following list of servers can be accessed through SSH in a terminal:

  • -- RHEL 9
  • -- RHEL 9
  • -- RHEL 9
  • -- RHEL 9

Getting Started with Linux

A Introduction tutorial is available via Canvas: 

Disk Quota

All of the servers and lab computers share a network file system for the home directories. Students have a disk quota hard limit of 1 GB. If you try going over the quota, you will receive an error writing to the disk. 

Web Server

The Linux account is also a web server account which can be accessed with URL "". The public_html directory under your home directory is where you need to put your Web files. Make sure that files in this directory have the o+r permission, and directories have the o+rx permission in order for the Web server to read the files.

Usage Policies

The Linux account, servers, and lab should be used purely for educational purposes. Use of this account for distributing software, conducting any form of business, or any illegal use will be considered a violation of the account usage policy and may result in loss of login privileges. Any illegal activity will be reported to authorities.